The cycle of NURSE BURNOUT is REAL! Jun 11, 2020

Are you a NURSE that is feeling burned out?

The cycle of nurse burnout is the real deal!

You may have a lot of nursing turnover in your job speciality. I know that we do right now at my job. It is...

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Ways to cope with NURSE BURNOUT May 12, 2020

Nursing is a profession that is very rewarding yet very stressful. You may work long hours and never get a break. You may be in over your head in charting due to your patient load or the aquity of...

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Ea[RN]ed NOT given May 07, 2020

Yes it is true. Your NURSING degree is earned and not given. It took you a lot of sweat and tears to get that darn degree. You had classes, clinicals, preceptorships, NCLEX, etc.

You have countless...

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What is holding you back NURSE friend? May 06, 2020

It is time to really look at what is holding you back from making the investment in yourself!

We all know that $333 is a fair amount of money to pay for The Burntout Rx program. (group coaching...

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