The cycle of NURSE BURNOUT is REAL! Jun 11, 2020

Are you a NURSE that is feeling burned out?

The cycle of nurse burnout is the real deal!

You may have a lot of nursing turnover in your job speciality. I know that we do right now at my job. It is...

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You do not need anyone's permission to go after your DREAMS! May 11, 2020

You do not need anyone's permission to go after your DREAMS! 

Are you a nurse and feeling stuck? Are you feeling stagnant in your career?

I know that the night before you have to work, you are...

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Are you ready to go from bedside nursing to becoming your own boss? May 04, 2020

Are you ready to go from bedside nursing to becoming your own boss?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, depressed, or just burned out in your job?

I know you may feel this currently or...

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Looking Back May 03, 2020

Yesterday I completed my hindsight board. I am proud of all the things that I have accomplished in the month of April.

As you may know, I was laid off of work in April, but it truly was a great...

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